The Benefit of Trusting Your Partners

Today I'd like to talk about the benefit of trusting your partners. Hopefully, you have a stable of trusted referral partners who are experts in certain areas that relate to employee benefits.

In your circle of partners, you may have a payroll person, a corporate banker who helps out with loans, or someone who provides employee retention credits. There are so many different referral partners you can bring into the mix.

The key is being open to bringing an expert into the conversation.

There's nothing wrong with not knowing everything about a particular subject. You are an expert in your field just like others are in theirs.

Introducing a subject matter expert won't make you look like you don't know what you're doing. In fact, it does the opposite. It makes you look good. Plus, you're bringing a ton of value to your clients. The perception from the client side is usually, "Wow, my advisor is resourceful!"

Watch our video to learn how to build your circle of referrals and grow your book of business with trusted partners.


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