The MVP Plan Advantage: Improving Healthcare Access for Low-Income Employees

In today's challenging economic landscape, providing affordable health plan options for low-income employees remains a significant hurdle for many businesses. Traditional major medical plans often fall short, leaving both employers and employees struggling to find viable solutions. However, there's an effective alternative gaining traction: Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) and Minimum Value Plans (MVP) are emerging as valuable options in the world of employee benefits.

The Challenge: Affordability and Participation

When approaching companies with traditional health plans, two major obstacles frequently arise:

  1. Employers find it difficult to contribute the required 50% or cover the lowest-cost plan due to budget constraints.

  2. Employees cannot afford even the most basic high-deductible plans when presented with the rate sheet.

These challenges result in low participation rates and leave many without essential health coverage. Fortunately, MEC and MVP plans offer a practical and affordable alternative.

MEC Plans: The Top Half of Major Medical

MEC plans provide an effective solution by offering the "top half" of a major medical plan. These plans give employees full access to a wide range of acute services, including:

  • Doctor visits

  • Prescription drug benefits

  • Urgent care access

  • Virtual telemedicine with urgent care options

  • Mental health benefits

By focusing on the most commonly used healthcare services, MEC plans offer robust coverage for acute care needs while remaining affordable.

MVP Plans: Flexibility and Accessibility

Minimum Value Plans (MVP) enhance affordability and accessibility even further. Here's why they're gaining popularity:

  1. Lower Costs: MVP plans are significantly less expensive than traditional major medical plans.

  2. Low Participation Requirements: Unlike major medical plans, MVP plans often require minimal participation. For example, at Evolved Benefits, our in-house MVP plan needs only 5 enrollees.

  3. Customizable Coverage: MVP plans can be tailored to meet various needs and budgets. From basic, low-cost options to more comprehensive coverage, there's an MVP plan for everyone.

The Benefits of MEC and MVP Plans

For employers, offering MEC and MVP plans can lead to:

  • Improved compliance with ACA regulations, reducing the risk of penalties

  • Higher employee satisfaction, as workers feel supported with affordable coverage options

  • Increased participation rates, which can contribute to a healthier workforce overall

Making the Right Choice

When considering health plan options, it's crucial to understand how employees will use the plan. While a higher-premium MVP plan might seem more expensive upfront, it could actually result in lower out-of-pocket costs throughout the year due to its comprehensive benefits.

Next Steps for Brokers and Employers

If you're a broker looking to provide innovative, affordable health coverage options to your clients, or an employer seeking better solutions for your workforce, consider exploring MEC and MVP plans. Here's how you can learn more:

  1. Connect with us on LinkedIn

  2. Visit and fill out the contact form

  3. Schedule a call to discuss how we can tailor these plans to your specific needs

Don't let traditional health plan limitations hold you back. Discover how MEC and MVP plans can improve healthcare access for your clients or employees today.

Remember, as a benefits professional, your role is important in educating clients about these options and showing how these plans can save costs while creating a more engaged and healthier workforce.


Building a Stronger Workforce: The Value of Extended Benefits Coverage


The MVP Plan Advantage: Low Participation & TPA Integration